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- Heineken: Departure Roulette
Posted by : Unknown
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Heineken hit marketing gold in 2013 with their "Departure Roulette" commercial. They tempted JFK travelers to ditch their plans, open their world and take a free trip to an unknown destination. Some people seemed wary and others had plans they just couldn't break but in the end, Heineken managed to coerce a few people into taking an impromptu trip of a lifetime. Check it out below!
Drop everything. Push button. Commit to:
This commercial spread like wildfire around the internet because there's just so much goodness about it that it's hard to not share it.
In these times, a commercial that becomes a viral video is marketing heaven. It's a competitive industry and Heineken managed to blow the competition out of the water with this one. Generally, these types of ads (ones where they give things away to unsuspecting people) are always a hit. It's probably because it gives you this overwhelmingly good feeling watching people being nice to each other for a change.
Oddly enough, the commercial has nothing to do with the beer but Heineken is smart enough to know how to sell an experience and not just the beverage; after all, the slogan is "open your world" and what goes great with a spontaneous trip to somewhere exotic? A nice cold Heineken of course.
Apart from being extremely jealous, I was wondering if Heineken provided more than the surprise flight for the travelers. It turns out the offer also included $2,000 for expenses and two free nights in a hotel. Not too shabby for a regular day at the airport if you ask me.
Heineken even upped the ante by making a "Departure Roulette 2" (check that out here). This time, the people who enjoyed, tweeted and commented on the first video got a chance to hit the button, pack their bags and head out too. It shows how in tune Heineken is with their customers and this also gives them another opportunity to shine in the commercial, viral video stratosphere. Satisfying the customers at all angles gives these commercials the upper hand and a hearty round of applause from me.
Did Heineken capture your attention with this?
If you got the opportunity, would you push the button?
Is there anywhere you WOULD NOT want to pop up if you pushed the button?
We would love to hear from you so leave us a comment below!
Right about now I want to petition Heineken international to bring that here!! I would sooo PRESS that button lol great ad, these types always make me wish that our brands were more customer oriented and not just host comps that require hundreds of dollars for a small chance to win..