Posted by : Mina.Co Tuesday, April 22, 2014

JetBlue's ad for their coach (economy class) flights, under the campaign 'Air on the side of humanity' falls well into the recent spurt of commercials that capture audiences and gain or maintain customers through storytelling as opposed to the usual buy-my-stuff-cause-I-think-you-need-to-spend-your-money-on-it way ads are, a more subtle approach than the 'beat you over the head' commercials.

This ad is...weird; pigeons are (usually) associated with pests (and ick) so the choice of bird is odd...and that oddness adds to the effectiveness of their message. The company seeks to highlight the cons and propose that they are more than capable of supplying the pros of their service through their brand.

This method of ad, what I think of as indirect direct marketing, is entertaining, engaging persons and getting the point across to everyone. The ad itself isn't rushed or overdone, giving the company the ability to touch on points of interest the public may and do have; it's like they're selling you a story without asking you to buy the book.

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  1. Hmmmm.... i get the concept...don't know if ,my choice of bird would be the pesky pigeon though ?

    1. That's the whole point of the ad. Flying these days can make you feel like you're nothing but a "pesky pigeon" to the airline so they're selling themselves as an airline that treats people well (aka better than other airlines). I thought this tactic was very effective and they couldn't have chosen a better metaphor.


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