Posted by : Unknown Friday, April 11, 2014

Boom di yada; Boom di yada;

We can't embed this one so check it out by clicking here.

What can I say about this ad? It's catchy, colourful and visually appealing; I was singing Boom di yada too until I realised it was a rip off from a Discovery Channel Promo!

And this has always been my pet peeve with local advertising houses. We have become a cut and paste society, tossing ideas and innovation out the window. And what demographic are they really appealing to? 
Mostly middle income earners in my opinion; The visuals were not a balanced selection. Apart from the 'working guy' low income earners were not satisfactorily portrayed

What was most amazing... Trinidadians couldn't even relate to the Boom di yada.I liked the jingle for its auditory content... but what does Boom di yada mean and what does it have to do with sandwiches??  But because we are so accustomed to wholesale acceptance from all things 'media'  we shrug our shoulders and move on.

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. There's nothing we can do about the blatant ripping off that comes with advertising in Trinidad. I guess if we spin it to "imitation is the best form of flattery" that maybe it doesn't seem so bad?...That's a stretch though. I agree with you though, I think we just wanted a really catchy jingle but it kind of missed the mark for us in all kinds of ways.

  2. I liked this ad. One person's rip off is another person's meme I guess. This song went viral with lots of adaptations on the internet after it aired on Discovery Channel so I assume Subway wanted to capitalise on the viral nature of the jingle, which to me is not a bad angle.

    I also disagree with your comment about demographics. I'm pretty sure they managed to incorporate every age, gender, ethnicity and income level you can find in Trinidad, a tactic which supports the message of universality in the jingle. This type of mass marketing actually stands out a bit in a climate where advertisers have been leaning more heavily on more targeted messaging for some time now.


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