Posted by : Dwight Monday, April 7, 2014

Here's a little tip you can use when viewing ads: find the framework. The executional framework is the style of advertising a company uses to promote their product. The framework employed gives an idea of how the company wishes to position their product, as what works for one may not work for another. For example if the product is something serious like a medication they may use a doctor giving statistics in the ad or if it's something entertainment related they may employ a celebrity instead. Each of those examples belongs to a different framework we'll look at later on but first let's look at something a little... cuter.

I'll be basing my reviews on the framework chosen for each ad I look at and first up is: Animation!

CocaCola's clumsy bear invites us to open happiness.

What makes animation a great choice for CocaCola is its mass appeal. CocaCola is an international brand selling a very well known product. They tend to create advertising that focuses on brand awareness and brand identity. Using animation allows them to appeal to any demographic - since the main character doesn't necessarily belong to any specific race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc. - and simply convey a happy/upbeat feeling being associated with the brand. The clumsy bear doesn't even speak so there is no language barrier, this ad can be used anywhere in the world just by switching out the "open happiness" tagline in the last few frames in non-English speaking countries.

Do you think the animation works for CocaCola here? Did watching this ad make you feel like Clumsy Bear opened happiness?

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. I think the animation really works here. The bears are super cute and the animation itself is very well done; it's an ad that can speak to everyone which is even better. I don't drink Coke but it did make me consider it for a second :)


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