Posted by : Mina.Co Sunday, April 6, 2014

I thought I'd start off on a light note with this ad from Mercedes, highlighting their latest suspension technology using poultry. Their magic body control uses sensors to scan, anticipate and dissipate extra movement via their active body control suspension system; the choice to use a chicken to illustrate such technicality allows Mercedes to access a much wider audience, gain fans of every age and get their message across (buy our cars because you won't bounce around like a rag doll when on bumpy roads) to everyone, in a really fun, catchy way.

 There is a more technical ad that talks about the motion control features, but for someone who prefers straight-to-the-point information, this ad is perfect and entertaining too. Chickens are by no means a fun animal, with their serious expressions (all birds to me look like they're just waiting for you to try something lol), but coupled with the music track and the simplicity their little dance affords to such a technical explanation is, in my books, worth the 30 seconds (53 in this case lol) of fame.

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