Posted by : Unknown Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ronald McDonald? Endorsing Taco Bell? This is just crazy.

I must say that this commercial deeply impacted me. Not only was it hilarious, but it used one of its greatest competitors to endorse its products in such a clever way. Kudos to Taco bell for this ad. I thought it was brilliant. Ads such as these really set the bar high for creativity.

{ 4 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. First time seeing this ad and it was hilarious to me. Great concept and very clever angle indeed.

  2. When I first saw this ad I had to take a double take. Lol I literally went "Nooooo" at my TV because Taco Bell just slayed the competition with this. I love the concept and I'm sure the response from the public was a positive one.

  3. You gotta love Americans ! Best strategized AD ever! Simple but effective concept and they nailed it.... Well Done Taco Bell

  4. This ad made me laugh, reminded me of the one Pepsi did with Santa Claus; great concept, with there were more savvy ads like this done locally.


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